Remedial Massage
$90 1hr
$120 1.5hr
$70 45min
$50 30min
- view full massage description for full list of inclusions and benefits
Great Value
Lymphatic Drainage
$70 1hr
- view full massage description for full list of inclusions and benefits
- view full massage description for full list of inclusions and benefits
Amazing Value
Hot Stone Massage
- view full massage description for full list of inclusions and benefits
Baby Massage Classes
$180 for 5 week course
- view full class description for full list of inclusions and benefits
* If you are unable to attend your appointment, please provide 24hours notice or a cancellation fee will apply.
* My time is valuable just like yours and failing to provide notice or to attend an appointment means someone else has missed an opportunity to have that appointment.
* Cancellation less than 24hours notice: 50% of the scheduled fee.
* Cancellation 2 hours or less or failing to attend appointment: 100% of scheduled fee.
* Thank you for understanding