Surgery Hours

Monday to Friday
8.00 am - 5.30 pm

8.30 am - 12 pm

It is essential to make an appointment, so please call our reception staff on 6921 4053. Same day appointments are available.

After Hours

The Wagga Wagga Medical Centre is a member of the Wagga GP After Hours Service Ltd. This emergency service is located at 1/185 Morgan St Wagga Wagga. Our doctors participate in a roster system with other GP's in the area. For urgent treatment phone 6931 0900.

Home Visits : Home visits may be arranged for regular patients. However they must be limited to cover exceptional circumstances only, as all doctors are generally fully booked.

Our Location

Patient Feedback

We welcome your feedback and continually strive to improve the standard of service to our patients. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service please take the time to fill out our Customer Concern form, or advise your doctor or our practice manager so that appropriate steps can be taken to remedy the situation.

If you feel the problem is best dealt with outside our organisation, please contact the NSW Government Centre for handling complaints, namely:

Health Care Complaints Commission
Locked Bag 18
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Phone 02 9219 7444


  • Childhood immunisations

  • Health Assessments & Care Plans

  • Routine Pap Smears

  • Family Planning Advice

  • Menopause Counselling & Care

  • Lifestyle Counselling & Care

  • Workplace Medicine

  • Pre-employment Medicals

  • Lung Function Tests

  • Insurance & Licence Medicals

  • Skin Checks and treatment

  • Molemate

  • Removal of small skin lesions

  • Travel immunisations

  • ECG

  • Mental Health Assessment

  • Nutritional Advice

  • Family Counselling

  • Drug & Alcohol Counselling

  • Diabetes Education

  • Dietitian

  • Psychology Services

  • Q Fever