Services Available

In addition to the traditional services of our general practitioners, we also provide many other services, including:

  • Childhood immunisations

  • Health Assessments & Care Plans

  • Routine Pap Smears

  • Family Planning Advice

  • Menopause Counselling & Care

  • Lifestyle Counselling & Care

  • Workplace Medicine

  • Pre-employment Medicals

  • Lung Function Tests

  • Insurance & Licence Medicals

  • Skin Checks and treatment

  • Molemate

  • Removal of small skin lesions

  • Travel immunisations

  • ECG

  • Mental Health Assessment

  • Nutritional Advice

  • Family Counselling

  • Drug & Alcohol Counselling

  • Diabetes Education

  • Dietitian

  • Psychology Services

  • Q Fever


Medicare online claiming is available at this surgery for your convenience. Or, if you prefer the Medicare office is located in the Centrelink building on Thompson Street.


It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times. This Practice abides by State and Federal legislation in this area.

Wagga Wagga Medical Centre Skin Clinics (Monday - Friday)

What is Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is often the result of skin cell damage following constant or intermittent overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. In Australia there are three main types of skin cancer.

  • Basal cell carcinoma- BCC (most common)

  • Squamous cell carcinoma- SCC (second most common)

  • Melanoma – uncommon but the most dangerous form of skin cancer

How Common is Skin Cancer in Australia

Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70. Nearly half a million Australians are treated for one or more skin cancer each year.

Why Skin Checks

Skin cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer in Australia. Having regular skin checks will help you be aware of any skin changes and detect cancer at early stages for better treatment outcomes

Looking out for the following signs which may indicate a skin cancer.

  • Crusty, non-healing sores

  • Red, pale or pearly lumps

  • Existing moles that are changing in colour, thickness or shape

What Happens Next When a Skin Cancer is Detected

Your doctor will discuss therapeutic options if a skin cancer when it is diagnosed. The treatment options will be based on the location, size, and previous history of skin cancer, and general health conditions. Your doctor may recommend surgical removal for biopsy or cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen). Often the cancer is removed with the biopsy and no further treatment is needed. If the skin cancer is large or has spread beyond the surface of the skin, more tissues may need to be removed and referral to a specialist surgeon may be required.

How to Book for a Skin Cancer Check

At our Skin Clinics we offer the following services:

  • Whole body skin cancer checks

  • Mole monitoring

  • Excision and biopsy of skin lesions

  • Regular follow ups and reviews

  • Patient education and skin cancer prevention

To book for a skin cancer check, simply call us at Wagga Wagga Medical Cetre on 02 6921 4053 to make an appointment.

The whole body skin cancer check usually takes 20 minutes. Our doctor will discuss the findings and treatment options available to you right after the examination.